Sega Tambour Rodrig

Sega Tambour Rodrig has its origins among the maroon slaves and was carried on by slave descendants. Today, it is practiced by people of all origins across the whole island of Rodrigues in the Republic of Mauritius.

Sega Tambour is a rhythmic performance and the moving in and out of the dancers makes it a dynamic performing art of dance and theatre combined. The self-satisfaction of the performers is seen on their smiling faces and playful attitude applicable to musicians as well as dancers. Sega Tambour is the one performance known where the performers perform to please themselves.

Along with its entertaining role, the songs that are usually composed on the spot, also act as a means of conflict resolution as well as gathering, passing information, sharing news and influencing social actions. Formally, if there was conflict between two persons or families, it would be resolved through sega tambour performance. The lyricsare often composed and used to point out mistakes or misunderstandingswith the opportunity for the adversary to reply. This provides the Rodriguans with a means to respond to conflicts through words rather than physical confrontations (violence).The element is also used to address social issues such as the need to consolidate family ties through living together or in close proximity. Groups have been known to compose music questioning the rationale of having husbands work in distant places that have subsequently positively influenced the posting of people to their job places in relation to their homes.

Sega Tabour Rodrig is inscribed on the UNESCO Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity since 07 December 2017.

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