Port Louis

1. Aapravasi Ghat and the remaining part of the structure comprising it
2. Abreuvoir (New Moka Street)
3. Al Aqsa Mosque (Plaine Verte, Port Louis)
4. Bowen Square
5. Canal Dayot Aqueduct
6. Case Creole/Creole Cottage (6, St. Georges Street, Port Louis)
7. Central Market
8. Central Railway Station
9. Charles Henry Leal Tomb (Western Cemetery)
10. Chien de Plomb
11. Cimetière Breton (G.R.N.W.)
12. Cohan Tai Biou Pagoda (Kwan Tee Pagoda) (Les Salines)
13. Colonel Joseph Yates Tomb (Western Cemetery)
14. Colonial Residence also known as the Ex-Compound of the French Consulate (PortLouis)
15. D’Archibald de Litchfield Tomb (Western Cemetery)
16. Dominus Arthur Chicester Tomb (Western Cemetery)
17. DonjonSt Louis and surrounding
18. Dr. F. Dauban Tomb (Western Cemetery)
19. Flour Mill (G.R.N.W.)
20. Fort Adelaide (CitadelIe)
21. Fort George
22. Fountain (Artillery Square)
23. Fountain (St Louis Cathedral)
24. French Batteries (Dumas)
25. French Retranchements (Pamplemousses Road)
26. General Jacob de Cordemoy Tomb (Western Cemetery)
27. Government House
28. Hospital (G.R.N.W.)
29. Ireland Blyth (Stone) Building, 10 Dr. Ferrière Street
30. Leoville L’Homme Tomb (Western Cemetery)
31. Leoville L’Homme Tomb(Western Cemetery)
32. Line Barracks
33. Lislet Geoffroy Tomb (Western Cemetery)
34. Louis Lechelle Tomb (Western Cemetery)
35. Malartic Tomb (Champ de Mars)
36. Mauritius Institute Building
37. Military Hospital
38. Mitr Mandal Samaj (Sainte Croix)
39. Monument commemorating the 141st anniversary of the abolition of slavery in Mauritius,Jardin de la Compagnie ,
40. Monument commemorating the landing of Commandant Guillaume Dufresne on 20September 1715, Robert Edward Hart Garden
41. Monument commemorating the Centenary of Indian Immigration (Port Louis)
42. Monument in memory of Soeur Marie Barthélemy, Jardin de la Compagnie
43. Monument of Revd. Mère Barthélemy (Western Cemetery)
44. Monument on Dr. Aimé Joseph Mailloux Tomb (Western Cemetery)
45. Monument of Maha Rana Pratab (Bell Village)
46. Monument on Remy Ollier Tomb (Western Cemetery)
47. Monument on Revd. Jean Lebrun Tomb (Western Cemetery)
48. Municipal Theatre
49. Old Grand River North West Bridge
50. Old Gas Factory (Pleasure Ground)
51. One monument erected in memory of Dr Horace Beaugeard (outside WesternCemetery)
52. One monument erected in memory of the dead of 1892 cyclone (outside WesternCemetery)45A. “Pierre Tombale” of Pere Gabriel Igou
53. Post Office Headquarters Building (Ex Civil Hospital)
54. Prosper d’Epinay Tomb (Western Cemetery)
55. Revd. Sommuel Rock Tomb (Western Cemetery)
56. Signal Tower (Harbour and Quays)
57. Sir Lionel Smith Tomb (Western Cemetery)
58. Sir Robert Barclay Tomb (Western Cemetery)
59. Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam Residence (Wooden Building)
60. Statue of A. Remy Ollier, Jardin de la Compagnie
61. Statue of Adrien d’Epinay, Jardin de la Compagnie
62. Statue of Brown Sequard, Jardin de la Compagnie
63. Statue of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, Government House Compound
64. Statue of His Majesty Kind Edward VII, Champ de Mars
65. Statue of Leoville L’Homme, Jardin de la Compagnie
66. Statue of Mahé de Labourdonnais
67. Statue of Manilall Doctor, Jardin de la Compagnie, Port Louis,
68. Statue of Sir John Pope Hennessy, KCMG, Place Sookdeo Bissoondoyal
61A. Statue of Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam, Port Louis Waterfront
69. Statue of Sir W. Stevenson, KCB, Government House Compound
70. Statue of Sir William Newton, Place Sookdeo Bissoondoyal
71. Statue of V. I. Lenin, Robert Edward Hart Garden
72. St James Cathedral (Port Louis)
73. St Jean Presbyterian Church
74. Swinny Tomb (Western Cemetery)
75. The Charles Baissac Tomb (Western Cemetery)
76. The Dr. Onesipho Beaugeard Tomb (Western Cemetery)
77. The Edith Cavell Government School (Port Louis)
78. The General Post Office
79. The Mercantile Bank Building
80. The Stone and Iron Works of Port Louis Market (Marché Central)
81. The Supreme Court Buildings
82. The Treasury Buildings
83. Tomb of Commodore House (Cemetery)
84. Tomb of Jean Pascal Dujonc de Boisquesnay, Western Cemetery (Old Cemetery)
85. Trou Fanfaron Police Station
86. Vagrant Depot
87. Victoria Station (G.R.N.W.)
88. Wenceslas Bojer Tomb (Western Cemetery)

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